
This page contains a growing list of resources that you may find valuable.

This book (a free download) by David McKay gives an easy-to-read but numerate account of energy consumption and generation in the UK. If you think there is not a problem – then get it and read it. You will be moved to action.

Wikipedia on Energy efficiency in British housing

Energy consumtion in the UK (BERR – 2002?)

A PassivHaus primer (BRE)

Zero Energy Design A US website that shows lots of innovative design ideas for using natural forces to generate heat and cooling when needed.

Colour temperature in lighting – (Wikipedia reference)


AECB, the Sustainable Building Association, is a network of individuals and companies with a common aim of promoting sustainable building. It brings together builders, architects, designers, manufacturers, housing associations and local authorities, to develop, share and promote best practice in environmentally sustainable building.

Find out more about the AECB…

Some U values

Here is a list of some typical ‘U’ values.


Material   U value
Softwood timber, plywood, particle timber board 0.13 W/K.m
Single skin brick wall 3 W/K.m